I have been very jealous of children lately. The other day I was watching a little girl skip through the park singing to herself and chasing squirrels. It was the cutest thing ever. But it occurred to me that if I saw an adult doing the same thing, I would probably move myself to another part of the park because, clearly, this person is insane. And that makes me sad. Why does growing up have to mean leaving our imaginations and the sheer joy of being alive behind? Not to say that we should all run around singing and chasing squirrels, but why do we make fun of adults that are creative or enjoy playing pretend? Like people who cosplay (short of "costume play" for those who don't know)? Or those people who meet up in parks and dress up like knights and play with foam swords (LARPing? I think that's what it's called.)? Why is this looked down on? But, on the flip side, it's totally normal to paint yourself head-to-toe in a body paint and scream yourself hoarse cheering for you favorite sports team...
In my personal opinion, I think it's because life becomes so bleak when you become an adult. It's all bills, hard work, and falling into bed exhausted at the end of the day. Who has time to have fun? So, when we see someone who makes time to feel alive, we are jealous and a little bitter. So we all learn to call it childish and write them off to feel better about our own lives. But...I think that's sad. I think we should all find time to let our inner child out. Just for a moment to let the joy of being alive be all we worry about. I saw a great quote online years ago: "Maturity is knowing when it's okay to act like a child." And, if that's true, I hope that I am very mature.
Life is beautiful, and we're missing it.
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