The upcoming debut of Fifty Shades of Grey is what's making me think about this. Personally, I think that movie is disgusting. I think it's ridiculous that people have been begging for a silver screen porn flick and I can't believe Hollywood was actually making it. But then it hit me: people have been begging for it. Hollywood isn't just full of artists and actors, it's full of business people. If there isn't a ton of money in it, they won't do it. So why are we so shocked at what they put out? We're the ones who buy what they create. "But," you may say, "I plan to boycott this movie and any like it." Good for you! Are your friends? Is your city? Is that mom down the street taking her kids to see an R-rated action flick? Are those kids going to grow up demanding more of what they loved as kids? Yes. Yes, they are. The only thing that is going to change what Hollywood produces is if their audience changes what they want to see.
Another point I'd like to make is that it's not Hollywood's job to monitor what you and your children watch. That's your job. It's Hollywood's job to create pictures that are pretty, move, and entertain. You can't tumble a pyramid by knocking off the top, you have to crack the foundation. And that's what we are, friends. We're the foundation of the pyramid that is the entertainment industry. When we as consumers stop downing trash and start demanding better things, then that's what we'll be given. Stop worrying about how the movie industry is corrupting the world, start worrying more about the world that is begging to be corrupted. Worry about the part of the cycle you can change.
Great insight Liz...cant wait to read more !