These are good things in this industry, and I'm not knocking it, but I've realized that it is starting to affect the rest of my life. It's become incredibly hard to slow down. If you could see my browser right now I have six tabs open and I've flipped through all of them at least 5 times. This post isn't the only project I'm working on at this moment. When I need a second to think about what I'm going to write here, I switch to another tab and work on something else. I almost always have music playing or a movie on when I'm at home. I'm usually not really watching the movie, but I like the background noise. I can't handle silence anymore. The store were I work gets so loud and I'm there in the noise for eight hours everyday, so when I leave my brain freaks out if it's quiet.
I know I'm not the only one who feels this way, if you glance around in any coffee shop, on the bus, or even on the street you'll see most people with their faces in their phones. We are a multitasking nation and no one has, or really wants, time to breath. Even in our down time we need something occupying our minds. And, honestly, I'm not sure how to fix this problem. Everyone is tied up in their calendar through their various commitments, requirements, and obligations. In this fast paced society, how do we carve out time to really live? I highly recommend taking some time to slow down. Turn off your phone, pick up a book, and fall off the grid. Give your mind space to settle in. Because, as I've said before, life is beautiful and we're missing it.
Maybe scheduling "off the grid time" would work.