I think we've all faced that wall at some point, or run face first into it. Maybe you even feel like you've smacked into that wall so hard you've caused it to fall on top of you and now you're hopelessly buried underneath it. How do you climb out? It feels insurmountable. We're waving our arm through the bricks asking for a helping hand to pull us out.
So, how do we overcome this? I don't really know. I have fought with this wall for most of my life and I am fighting with it right now. But I am having an easier time this go round. Why, you may ask? Because I am surrounding myself with people who understand the wall and are calling to me from the other side, encouraging me to knock it down and keep running. Be careful who you choose to fill your life. Not everyone cheers for you. Some people will pick up the crumbling bricks and throw them at you. So, who are your people? And, more importantly, which kind of person are you?
I needed to read that today.