Monday, February 23, 2015

More Joys

Since my last post I have been considering what some more of the small joys are. So here is the second half of the list of things that make life really worth it, even on the bad days:

  • Tiramisu: If you have never tried this, you are missing out on one of the truly magical parts of life. The only thing better than tiramisu is tiramisu cheesecake. How can I get sad about a bad day when this exists?

  • Baby animals: I could have split this into kittens, puppies, and other adorable baby animals, but wouldn't that be redundant? There is something so heartwarming about the tiny little, awkward, usually fluffy things. For example, I love foals. They are all legs and so awkward, but they grow up to be the most majestic, powerful creatures. It's inspiring.
  • Chocolate covered strawberries: Yes, I am on a bit of a dessert kick, but honestly. Chocolate covered strawberries are amazing. Not just eating them, but the process of making them. It's so messy and fun to do with friends.
  • Rain: Yes, rainy days can be depressing and dreary, but is there any sound more peaceful and promising of new life than rain pattering on the roof?
  • Books: Really, guys. Books are a great thing. A well written story can transport you beyond any limitations in life and take you to worlds that you never knew existed. They can break your heart or bring the promise of new love. We want to be able to travel in time and space, but we already can through the pages written by amazing people.
  • Handwritten letters: Remember when emails were exciting and new and we had such an abundance of letters it was hard to sort through them all? In these modern times where communication is always easily at our finger tips and handwriting is a thing of the past, it's so nice to receive a letter from someone who cares for you. Know they took the time to sit down and write by hand means so much.
Life is beautiful! Don't forget to pay attention. 

1 comment:

  1. Babies. Human ones, without fur. They are on my list, too.
